Åvgeny K. Gutorov
Evgeny Gutorov © 2009
In our modern world Science has two main aims:
- to discover and reveal new laws of Nature, realizing this way the progressive development of mankind and the Man as the creator of his own welfare.
- to form our worldview on the given date, to shape our understanding of essence of historical phenomena, the present and future of our environment.
The first aim – is being solved stage after stage according to the laws of progress, from simple to complex and has no restrictions in Time. But the second aim comes in clash with Time, as the logic of thinking needs completion of speculative deductions. And that is the reason for men of science to make the suppositions of the cause and effect of different phenomena and make these suppositions trustworthy. This way many of “scientific myths” are born. The higher the prestige of the author, even in case of a false supposition, the longer the life of the myth is.
It's a pity, but the authority oppresses our mind and consciousness and we follow it blindly. It's a paradox, but on the one hand there is a lack of trustworthy scientific data, and on the other – a large amount of given data, staying uncomprehended. Those are assigned in different sciences and can't be drawn to a general conclusion by a highly specialized scientist. And yet sometimes it's worthwhile to make a superficial look on such uncomprehended problems.
Not a myth will withstand, if you try to bring to reality everything you have got concerning one of such problems, because doubts and questions will arise in number. And the success of every our research is determined by research of properly stated question.
Here are some of them, I need to find answers to…
Why are the orbits of all the planets have one and the same planet angle? From the astronomer's point of view, all the planets were formed as a result of condensation of gas-and dust spray clouds. But this statement can't be analyzed mechanically. This very cloud should primarily have had a disk form to bring all the planets into one plane, but such an explosion is scarcely probable in vacuum.
Gravitation forces do not depend on rotating forces and are equal in all directions, thus being unable to form a disk.
If a thermonuclear reaction of turning hydrogen to helium has been set up in all the stars, why doesn't it transfer into an explosive, but is being prolonged in time? One knows, there are no quality limits for H-bomb explosion. It is a well-known fact, there is a thermonuclear reaction in the depth of stars. The question is – how could the hydrogen, as a chemical element, got to the star nucleus?
Where could the Earth got such an amount of water from? A huge amount of hydrogen should be burnt for it. Where would the Earth got it from, if the terrestrial gravity can't keep it in the atmosphere in gas state? Where was the sufficient amount of oxygen kept to make such an amount of water?
If hydrocarbons originated from organic sedimentations, why then methane is found on different levels of earth crust and in the atmosphere of other planets?
Why does the temperature go higher down the Earth's interior? What is being burnt there? If one imagines there is a nuclear reactor in it – then how did the Nature happened to create such a one with so a high level of ecological purity? For, there was not a gush out of used nuclear fuel during any of the volcano ejections?
Convection processes are needed to form atmospheric vortices and constant oceanic currents as to the laws of thermodynamics. Solar radiation warms different land areas enough to form the rising streams of warm air. But the sun beams can't reach and get warm the bottom of the Ocean to create the strong rising stream needed to form and energize the ocean streams during the long periods of Time. We are also to bear in mind, there are strong and constant atmospheric vortices on the distant planets of solar system where solar radiation is infinitesimal. How should we name the energy that dislocates the planet masses of water and air?
A new concept of creation of the Universe is needed – find logical answers for such a number of significant problems.All heavenly bodies are known not only to disperse but to rotate too. If we
take into account the substance of rotating space bodies, one can easily
imagine the quantity of kinetic energy it contains, and it must be taken into
account too, if speaking of planetology on the whole.
When cosmology sets the hypothesis of “Grand explosion” as the birth of the Universe we are to assume all Galaxies to be the mass of Protouniversum scattered by an explosion. As galactic disks are rotating, the Protouniversum could somehow have a spin of rotation.
Disorientation of galactic disks can be explained as the result of the explosion of Protouniversum; it has driven protogalaxies into different sides of Cosmos.

Metagalaxy model

Galaxy NGC 6946
In their turn, protogalaxies gave birth to the Stars, but the mechanism of birth was of another kind. The mass and speed of rotation of protogalaxies after the explosion didn't fall into coincidence that led to the throw-off of the lack of mass and then stabilized the galactic disk. Along with this, we may say quasars are those protogalaxies, that didn't give birth to galaxies as their mass and spin of rotation coincided.
The disk sharp orientation of planets' orbits and their satellites' orbits too proves the origin of the analog mechanism, so that protostar's and protoplanets' spins of rotation exceeded the gravity power.
After the throw-off of the lack-mass the rotation of cosmic bodies lessened, and stars originated from this throw-off mass, stars gave birth to planets, planets – to satellites. Asteroid zones couldn't convert into planets because of lack of a hydride nucleus that could make it possible to attract the fragments of rock, thrown away by a sun.
The presence of a large amount of hydrogen in stars and planets' composition gives us a chance to make a supposition: Star hydrogen is not in a free state but is steadily excreted from a depot and participates in chemical and nuclear reactions of transforming hydrogen to helium in stars, and creating water and hydrocarbons in planets.
To resist the entropy effectively, the Universe should possess exothermical processes. They are known as thermonuclear reaction and combustion. The most effective fuel for it is hydrogen. This supposition seems logical and motivated as hydrogen and is widespread in the Universe. The only problem is the problem of conservation of this hydrogen to serve during billions of years; the problem of depositing not in the atmosphere of stars and planets, but in their bowels. A universal accumulator is needed then.
Under certain conditions (temperature + pressure) about 40% of hydrogen can dissolve in metal alloy, according to theoretical physics data. Dissolving, the hydrogen loses the only electron and its nucleus sets in the internuclear space. The atomic nuclei take practically no place as to atoms, but they are the bearers of mass and interatomic gravity power, they can lessen metal alloy's interatomic distances they dissolve in, proportionally making the matter heavier, compressed and diminishing its volume.
The geological data, received during the echolocation of Earth, shows the nucleus of our planet as a solid body got in a metal alloy. As for me, I know nothing of a chemical element, or its alloy, that could stay solid in such circumstances and have specifications higher than all the elements known.

The Sun |
But may be it is usual for solid nuclei of: active planets and all stars to be of metal, compressed with dissolved hydrogen in them. The properties of such a matter are unpredictable. If it possesses superconductivity, then one can understand the nature of terrestrial magnetism.
The superconductive nucleus, as a rotator, may generate streamlining currents that form the magnetic field of the EARTH. In this case the instability of power and space orientation of the magnetic field can be easily explained. The power and streaming of magnetic power lines can be determined by the difference in speed and the angle of rotation of the nucleus. The magnetic poles coincide with the axis of rotation of hydride nucleus. It is logical to assume the atom of hydrogen was the first to originate, because its structure is the simplest and the most widespread in the Universe. The pure energy of the explosion in the depth of Protouniversum gave birth to elementary particles that, in their turn, could give birth to all the long living atoms in protogalaxies. This process took place in the hydrogenic “soup”, making it possible to saturate the forming metals with hydrogen.
Believing the hydride metal to be of protogalactic origin, one can imagine that after it occurred in the depth of a star or a planet it started to excrete hydrogen, which, in its turn, would have begun its way to the surface of a star, or a planet.
On this way it entered the composition of everything if met: restoring hydrides and forming water, or forming hydrocarbons, diamonds and graphite. It means that in the depth of our planet during all the period of its existence there is going on the burning of hydrogen in the oxygen of oxides.
Loosing hydrogen, hydride nucleus expands thus enlarging the radius of a planet or a star.
The echo sounding showed that the rate of rotation of solid nucleus of Earth is higher than that of the Earth itself and of metallic bath, surrounding the hydride nucleus too. |
This fact proves, deceleration of rotation of the Earth takes place as the mass moves away from the centre of rotation. Under the influence of gravitation the deceleration would have uniform character at all levels.
As the Earth radius enlarges, the earth crust would have cracked into different plates moving different directions. Oceanic fractures then are the zones of Earth's extension. The process going on the plate is to change the sector arc radius, its borders going lowering down, the centre hanging over; the whole situation being stable as long as the elasticity of crust is able to keep its weight. When the critical point of extension is overcome, the spasmodic development of plates' curvature comes, easily explaining the nature of earthquakes.
The mapmaking data shows the foothills of all mountain ranges on the Earth are of ledge terraced shape in transverse section, meanwhile that of the plains have circular, weblike subsides.

Faults on the surface of Europe, satellite of Jupiter
The terraced shape of mountain ranges proves the possibility of their formation as a result of forcing out the rocks from the bowels of the Earth as the radius of plate's curvature grows, but in case the deepest strata of the plate are more stable and don't fracture. If fracturing takes place near the mantle border, then weblike deformation appear in lowland plains as a result of subsiding of the hanged over areas of the plate.
The photos of the Jupiter's satellite “Europe”, made by cosmic probe “Voyager”, showed the surface of the satellite covered with ice fractured as egg shall with crossing strait lines. The planetologists are puzzled with the enormous amount of water and the causes of fracturing. The proposed hypothesis explains this phenomenon logically: parting from the Jupiter the satellite carried away enough hydrogen in hydride nucleus and oxygen in rocks. Fracturing of the satellite's surface goes on as the satellite continues to increase.
The planetologists state, the displacement of rocks during the earthquakes is always directed up as forced up. The volcanic eruption proves the presence of surplus mass and high pressure in the bowels of the Earth too. There are two ways to throw down this surplus inner pressure – either fracturing or eruption. Both take place. |
When and how did the water appear in the Earth was in scorching state during the initial phase of its development?
In despair, some scientists make some incredible proposals supposing water was brought to the Earth with falling comets.
Our hypothesis allows to explain the appearance of water as the result of continuous burning process of hydrogen in the bowels of the planet.
Today scientists believe that in the far-off past all land of the Earth was a consolidated continent called Pangea. It means all the other part of the globe was covered by ocean waters. According to the hypothesis of expanding Earth and continuous process of water formation, the separation of Pangea into different continents was the mere result of simple fracturing of the globe according to braking lines, the hollows and cavities filling up with water going from beneath. Thus the globe enlarged, the continents went off and the oceans appeared.
Therefore, hydrocarbons and water emerged after the process of cooling down of the Earth began and most likely this process is going on even now. There are facts that can prove it: thousands miles offshore, at the extreme depth of the world ocean there were found water springs, including fresh water springs.

Strong cyclon in the Earth's atmosphere

Active turbulency in the Jupiter's atmosphere
Up to the present most geologists believe that hydrocarbons are of organic origin, they originated from organic material in the thick layers of sedimentary rocks. But during the drilling of the super deep well in Karelia the samples, taken after all the horizons of sedimentary rocks have been passed, showed the presence of hydrocarbons. In my view, this fact entirely refutes the official hypothesis of the origin of hydrocarbons.
Meteorologists use to say all the climatic anomalies are caused by solar radiation. But there were found out stable powerful magnetic storms in the atmosphere of the far-off planets of solar system, where the role of energetic power of the Sun is of no worth small. So, it is quite possible, our climate depends not so much on the activity of the Sun, but on that of the abyssal warmth of the planet, which can heat the crust under different areas of the Ocean and form stable and warm oceanic currents. Sargasso Sea is thought to be the weather cooking place of the Earth. The measurements of bottom temperatures, if taken may show unstable +4 ? C. Then one can say the main reason of climatic anomalies is the alteration of speed the hydrogen leaves the nucleus with and its speed of burning in the mantle, but not the variations of solar radiation. It also can be possible, that accelerated use of hydrocarbon feedstock from the bowels reduces the level of abyssal pressure, increases the hydrogen emission from the nucleus and heats the planet.

The given hypothesis may also give a different explanation of glacial periods in the Earth's history, saying they were caused not by the reduction of solar activity, but by the slowdown of emission of hydrogen from hydride nucleus. If one assumes the Moon to be the result of throwing down the Earth's extra mass, it would become obvious that the gravity power on the Earth would have been growing from 0 to contemporary values. The alteration of gravity surely exercised the impact on all the living beings. The growth of the body mass of dinosaurs compensated the growth of gravity within the bounds of given possibility only. Then the time came the stability of skeleton of the animal couldn't provide the ability to run and fall harmless (overlimited momentum), that resulted in extinction of dinosaurs. It can also be possible the descendants of mammoths, the elephants settled down in equatorial zones because of less gravity there, centrifugal force stronger.
Adopting a new theory, it is worthwhile to appreciate everything around us from some other point of view…
The planets of the Solar system were generated by the Sun, not with cosmic gas-dust clouds, because the heating of a planet is impossible in slow massgrowing process. Only the spasmodic development can ensure the proportional growth of temperature. It is obvious, the Sun bits had a hydride nucleus able to keep magma in the molten plasma cloud. Thus parting from the Sun Mercury had not enough magma containing oxygen in oxides for hydrogen to react and to form water and heat. The planetologists say Mercury was formed mainly of metals. Even if Mercury has had some reserves of dissolved hydrogen in the hidridic nucleus, passing into the atmosphere in a free state, it has evaporated into cosmos because of low gravity.

The Earth and the Moon

The intensive process of hydrogen burning is going on in the bowels of Venus,
provided with heating and furious volcanic activity. The emerging water is in a
vapour state, thus promoting the growth of atmospheric pressure. The absence of
magnetic field proves that the solid nucleus is rotating at the same speed that
the Venus does. In the future, with the expansion and cooling of Venus, water
in liquid state is possible to occur, the speed of rotating moderate, the
magnetic field appear and spores of microorganisms, brought from cosmos, would
survive and the process of conversion of the atmosphere and the evolution of
life is possible to start.
In conformity with the given theory, I imagine Mars to be a deceased planet.
The hydrogen in the nucleus being over, the planet cooled down, and the
residuum water condensed on the poles, or was buried in glacier form under dust
hills, liquid phase being impossible and the life impossible too. (The probable
future of the Earth).
The Earth being now in a mature, balanced state and hydrogen fuel enough in the
nucleus – the inner heat keeps up the optimal temperature balance, making the
water stay in liquid phase and life to continue.
1. Planets of Solar System have been generated from within the Sun, consisting
of the same matter.
2. Nuclei of stars and active planets consist of a metal, hardened by hydrogen
to solid state (hydride of metal).
3. Hydrogen comes from the nuclei of planets constantly and passes through
mantle and crust up to the surface, restoring the oxides of different
substances. In the bowels of stars the proceeding hydrogen converts into helium
making up their energy as time goes.
4. There on the planets, getting in contact with oxygen of oxides and carbon,
hydrogen makes water, some hydrocarbons and heats the bowels. This process is
still going on even now.
5. Our globe is increasing its volume constantly without enlarging its mass,
that makes the crust fracture and change the curvature radius, promoting
earthquakes and eruption of volcanoes.
6. The speed of rotating of the globe is moderating constantly, that is the
reason for gravity to increase, the centrifugal force to diminish.
7. From the very origin the Earth did not possess the oceans and seas, these
were formed as the water began to emerge from the bowels and fill the breakings
and fractures of the crust. Thus, one can say, the sprig is the point of outlet
of newly formed abyssal water, but not the seepage of rainwater.
8. The Pangea existed in the period of the absence of oceans.
9. The magnetic field indicates the presence of superconductive nucleus of a
star or a planet, which, in its turn, consists of hydride of iron and rotates
more rapidly than the planet itself.
10. The climate on the Earth depends on the inner heat, to a greater extent
than on the Sun’s activity. Warm oceanic currents are generated by the inner
heat of the planet, that warms thoroughly the subsurface layers and give birth
to convectional processes.
11. Life on he Earth can cease, if the hydrogen, laid in the nucleus, runs out;
irreversible glacial era would start.
12. Giant animals extincted because of the growing gravity, as a result of
moderation of rotation of the planet.
13. The gravity in the equatorial zone was negative at the moment of separation
of the Moon from the Earth.
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